Our Impact

Reducing Our Impact

Energy Transition

The oil & gas industry is under pressure to change and we have a solution to transition to a cleaner energy ensuring all by-products of the power generation process are sequestered back into the reservoir. Our technologies involve substantial cost savings making carbon capture and sequestration commercial.

Global Demand

Despite a pandemic related decline in 2020, global energy-related CO2 emissions remained at around 32 Gt, contributing to the highest ever annual concentration in the atmosphere (412 ppm).

Global energy related emissions are projected to rebound and grow by 5% annually as demand for energy rebounds with the economy.

Energy demand will continue to rise but CO2 emissions needn't. We believe with our schemes we can act to stem the flow of carbon into the atmosphere for the benefit of all.

Participate in Change

Gas to power technologies enable our CO2 sequestration projects to be scaled to meet the local, regional or national power demand.

Global electricity demand is growing at a faster rate than renewables, a new IEA report sees 5% rise in electricity demand in 2021 with almost half the increase met by fossil fuels, notably coal, threatening to push CO2 emissions from the power sector to record levels in 2022.

Help us to make a difference.

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